The Costar "HexaPower" Battery Solution Eliminates the Anxiety Associated with Neckband
Believe it or not, everyone experiences varying degrees of battery anxiety. People change their schedules when electronic devices run low, while others go to the bar and order drinks to recharge their devices. When technology comes into our life, the battery life problem has never been solved. People always need full power in all Electronic devices. Costar has launched a new product that can perfectly solve your battery anxiety in earbuds.
Costar HexaPower
The Costar product team has been working tirelessly to deliver personalization to users on the power side, the same way we do on the quality side. To give customers a good experience without battery anxiety, the product team spent six months aiding and developing new technology, "HexaPower" " in the same Volume and capacity. We increase the battery performance by 30%. Besides this, the cost, which most people care about, doesn't add up. We did lots of research to maintain the cost, and now, we have done it. We have found a battery solution that only belongs to Costar. 30% is a huge EXTRA CAPACITY that comes as a saviour during emergencies or a hectic day with heavy use Costar is Championing this technology, and more products are aligned to this so that different needs of the people is addressed." Product Manager Alex said in his interview. For now, "HexaPower" has been widely used in Mateband, Costar will keep improving the performance of products.

Compare with Other Products
For more details, the Costar technical team showed us a data graph when they were doing the experiment. This "Charge and Discharge curve" graph shows that the Costar Technical team is experimenting with the battery five times. They will do a charge and discharge test with a battery, as shown in the graph, we will charge it thoroughly and then discharge it again, and after a few cycles like this, based on the test data, we will then make technical optimization. In the same milliard battery, Costar Mateband has longer battery life. More than that, The weight of the Mateband is lighter. You can hang it around your neck the whole day without any discomfort.
Costar by Your Side
Why choose Costar Mateband? We are trying to design the best sound quality in the best value earbuds. If you're tired of low battery anxiety controlling your life, it's time to change, eliminating your battery anxiety and rejuvenating you with Costar.